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What do the researchers say about effective instructional design?

The truth is – there are many, many theories.

How, then, to make sense of it all?

David Merrill (a respected educational researcher and teacher) studied various instructional design theories and models to identify a number of principles common to each.

From Merrill’s research, he established five instructional design principles that can be applied when designing any program or practice to achieve effective and efficient instruction [1].

In a nutshell, Merrill’s principles highlight that learning is promoted when:

  1. Learners are engaged in solving real-world problems.
  2. Existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new knowledge.
  3. New knowledge is demonstrated to the learner.
  4. New knowledge is applied by the learner.
  5. New knowledge is integrated into the learner’s world.

Adapted from First principles of instruction, 2002.

Merrils Instructional Design Principles 5


While many instructional design principles exist, Merrill’s principles of instruction stand out for their practical applicability and research-backed effectiveness. His systematic study of successful learning programs revealed patterns that work across different contexts – from corporate training to academic education.


Principle 1: Problem-centred

Problem-centred: Learning is promoted when learners are engaged in solving real-world problems.

There are three phases of Problem-centred learning:

  1. Show task: Provide a worked example of the task that learners will complete.
  2. Task level: Ensure learners are engaged at the problem and task levels, as well as the operation or action level.
  3. Problem progression: Begin with basic problem then build the complexity to scaffold learning.

A bit like lego…

Problem-centred learning supports constructivist theories – learners construct their own understanding by building on their previous knowledge and experiences. [2]

Problems may include simulation or situations that provide learners with contextualised, authentic learning experiences, allowing them to draw on existing knowledge to understand the problem, collect information from various sources and resolve the problem. [3]

During this process, learners develop a deeper understanding of key concepts while strengthening problem-solving skills such as analytical thinking, initiative and creativity. [4]

What makes Merrill’s first principles of instruction particularly powerful is their focus on real-world application. Rather than abstract theories, these principles emerged from studying how people actually learn and retain information effectively. When learners tackle authentic problems, they’re more likely to see the relevance and maintain engagement throughout the learning process.

Principle 2: Activation

Activation: Learning is promoted when existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new knowledge.

There are three phases of Activation:

  1. Previous experience: Tap into learners’ existing knowledge and experiences.
  2. New experiences: Ensure tasks are engaging, interesting and authentic.
  3. Structure: Begin with a basic problem then build the complexity to scaffold learning.

Identify where the learners are at before introducing new content to help them link and meld the ‘old’ with the ‘new’. Revise and activate learners’ previous knowledge on the topic to prepare them for building upon it (scaffolding).

If learners don’t have relevant experiences, provide them to ensure that they have a basic understanding of the topic before introducing complex concepts.

Principle 3: Demonstration (Show me)

Demonstration (Show me): Learning is promoted when new knowledge is demonstrated to the learner.

There are three phases of Demonstration:

  1. Demonstration consistency: Provide content with demonstration and examples that reflect learning outcomes.
  2. Learner guidance: Provide multiple representations of ideas, concepts and perspectives.
  3. Relevant media: Ensure media supports effective learning.

David Merrill’s research shows that effective demonstration isn’t just about showing – it’s about showing strategically. The instructional design principles he developed emphasise the importance of demonstrating concepts in multiple ways. Learners are more likely to understand how to apply their learning when information is presented with examples.

Multiple examples allow learners to compare different perspectives and see learning application in different contexts.

Use media that supports effective learning. Some forms of media may compete for learner attention – or be ‘noisy’, whilst others complement and strengthen learning (e.g. audio and relevant summary graphics). [5]

Engagement with learning is king here!

Principle 4: Application (Let me)

Application (Let me): Learning is promoted when new knowledge is applied by the learner.

There are three phases of Application:

  1. Practice consistency: Align practice with learning outcomes.
  2. Diminishing culture: Gradually withdraw coaching to build learner independence.
  3. Varied problems: Provide opportunities for learners to apply their learning to different contexts.

Application of knowledge to real-world contexts is a vital part of effective learning!

Ensure the opportunities for learners to practice skills are consistent with the learning outcomes.

Build learner confidence by initially providing guidance, and then gradually reduce support, allowing the learner to take charge and complete tasks independently.

Provide multiple opportunities to apply learning to a range of situations to consolidate learning. [6]

Principle 5: Integration

Integration: Learning is promoted when new knowledge is integrated into the learner’s world.

There are three phases of Integration:

  1. Watch me: Provide opportunities for learners to demonstrate and share their learning.
  2. Reflection: Include reflection activities to recognise progress.
  3. Creation: Encourage learners to transfer their learning to their own lives.

Let’s get personal – learners are motivated when they recognise their own progress.

This can occur when demonstrating or sharing their knowledge and skills to others, reflecting on their learning and transferring new meaning and understanding to their own lives. [7] Use embedding activities to support learning transfer.

The beauty of Merrill’s principles of instruction model lies in its flexibility. Whether you’re designing a quick skills workshop or a comprehensive training program, these principles adapt while maintaining their core effectiveness. The key is understanding how each principle builds upon the others to create a complete learning experience.

Applying Merrill’s Principles to Your Program

When putting these principles into practice, consider:

  • Starting with real problems that matter to your learners
  • Building clear connections between existing and new knowledge
  • Creating demonstrations that show multiple perspectives
  • Providing varied practice opportunities that build confidence
  • Ensuring learners can apply their knowledge in their own context

The power of Merrill’s first principles of instruction comes from their practical nature – they provide clear guidance while remaining flexible enough to adapt to different learning needs and contexts.

So, when developing your next program, keep Merrill’s five instructional design principles top of mind to ensure your instruction is efficient and effective!

[1] [7] Merrill, M. D. (2002). First principles of instructional design. Educ. Technol., Res. Dev. 50: 43–59.

[2] Bayat, S. (2012). Effects of problem-based learning approach on cognitive variables of university students. Elsevier.

[3] Mossuto, M., (2009). Problem-based learning: Student engagement, learning and contextualised problem-solving.

[4] Radford University (n.d.). Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, and Analytical Reasoning Skills Sought by Employers. Retrieved from

[5] Mayer, R.E. (2001). Multimedia learning. London: Cambridge University Press.

[6] Merrill, M.D., Tennyson, R.D. & Posey, L.O. (1992). Teaching concepts: An instructional design guide (2nd Ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.


In a nutshell, Merrill’s principles highlight that learning is promoted when:

  1. Learning is problem-centred and learners are engaged in solving real-world.
  2. Existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new knowledge.
  3. New knowledge is demonstrated to the learner.
  4. New knowledge is applied by the learner.
  5. New knowledge is integrated into the learner’s world.

When developing your next program, keep Merrill’s five instructional design principles top of mind to ensure your instruction is efficient and effective. Apply Merrill’s principles by:

  1. Using problem-based learning to engage learners in real-world problems.
  2. Activating existing knowledge before introducing new content to help them link and meld the ‘old’ with the ‘new’.
  3. Incorporating multiple demonstrations of the concepts where possible to provide context and deepen learners’ understanding of its application.
  4. Ensuring to include opportunities for learners to apply their new insights and practice skills, such as scenarios and simulations.
  5. Helping learners to integrate their new understanding and skills into their own lives through embedding activities to support learning transfer.

Merrill’s five principles of instruction are:

  1. Problem-centred
  2. Activation
  3. Demonstration
  4. Application
  5. Integration

Advantage: A clear and concise model for the creation of a learning solution.

Disadvantage: Design-focused only – it does not incorporate how to identify learning needs or to evaluate the program for improvement.

The goal of Merrill’s principles of instruction is to provide a framework for designing effective instruction to maximise learning.

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Instructional Design Australia (IDA) provides services to support workplace learning and change. With team members in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth IDA will enable your people to engage, learn and perform.

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Ph: 0434 075 231

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