Develop Pack
The Develop Pack includes the following documents:
- Facilitator Guide Template
- Learner Guide Template
- Assessment Book Template
- Job Aid/Handout Template
- PowerPoint Template
- Thinking Aloud Testing Template
- Empathy Map
- Leader Kit Template
The Develop Pack includes the following documents:
- Facilitator Guide Template
- Learner Guide Template
- Assessment Book Template
- Job Aid/Handout Template
- PowerPoint Template
- Thinking Aloud Testing Template
- Empathy Map
- Leader Kit Template
About the Templates
Facilitator Guide Template
The Facilitator Guide Template provides an overview of the program and a detailed session plan. It highlights a detailed list of facilitator preparation activities and a workshop summary.
The session plan for each topic consists of two parts; a summary, which states the purpose, learning outcomes, resources and duration, and a detailed running sheet of the session with a breakdown of timings, content, and activities.
This template includes a worked example.
Learner Guide Template
The Learner Guide Template outlines key content and describes the learning activities to be completed by learners throughout the session.
Assessment Book Template
The Assessment Book Template is used to develop relevant and effective assessment questions/tasks to evaluate participant learning against learning outcomes.
It consists of templates for multiple choice, short answer and true/false questions, as well as both analytical and problem-oriented case studies.
PowerPoint Presentation Template
The PowerPoint Presentation Template summarises key learning and discussion points, visuals and video links.
It includes ‘top tips’ on how to develop appealing and effective PowerPoints that complement the delivery of a session.
Job Aid/Handout Template
The Job Aid Template (or Handout Template) summarises key information for participants to readily reference on the job. It may also be used to develop handouts to be provided to participants during a session.
Includes worked examples.
Thinking Aloud Testing Template
Template to capture key stakeholders (identified as reviewers and approvers) feedback on changes required to the learning materials developed.
Empathy Map
Template used to step into the learner’s shoes and see the design from their perspective.
Leader Kit Template
Template to provide leaders with an overview of the program, as well as key discussion points and tips on ways they can assist their people to apply their developing knowledge, skills, and behaviours on the job.
Instructional Design Templates Licence
Use of the instructional design templates is subject to our Licence Agreement.
Looking for an Instructional Design Course?
Instructional Design Course Options
Participants receive access to a comprehensive toolkit of materials, templates and guides required to be an exceptional instructional designer. Participants use the toolkit as a self-paced resource to design and develop their own learning program.
Our Credentials
Discover Learning Designs and Instructional Design Australia are successful design consultancies.
- We have been in the marketplace for over 10 years
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- Decades of combined expertise, investment and development time in our products
- We work with successful brands